External Show Setup API
External Show Setup API
Notified provides a portal to virtual event integration features that enable partners and show hosts to programmatically query show setup features of the Virtual Trade Show (VTS) platform on-demand from their controlled sites and systems.
The Notified Virtual Trade Show External API also provides third-party partners the ability to programmatically automate the creation and synchronization of shared entities and attributes between their systems and the VTS database. This automation is controlled and orchestrated by the caller. The VTS platform does not currently push calls to third-party systems.
Calling the API
The API is called via a secure HTTPS request. This HTTPS request may be a GET or POST operation. Each request must supply the authentication credentials assigned to the caller by Notified. Only requests with valid credentials will be processed. These credentials identify the caller and provide access only to a specific customer area.
The format of the call is:
&FromDateTime={FromDate in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format}
&ToDateTime={ToDate in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format}
&ActivityTypeFilter={filter code list, in |OPTION|OPTION| format…}
&FilterUserType={0|1|-1 where 0 = attendees, 1 = exhibitors, -1 = both}
Note: The format of the APAC Data Center is: https://api.apac.onlinexperiences.com.
Specific parameter ordering is unimportant, with the only restriction being that the first parameter MUST BE LASCmd=AI:4;F:APIUTILS!50565. All other parameters may appear in any sequence order.
Info Type Filter Code List
This API supports limiting the results returned to a specific type or category, based on the InfoTypeFilter string specified in the call. The filter codes are specified in a pipe-delimited string format (|FT|TT|XX|). If this parameter is omitted, the API defaults to ALL. Following is a list of valid opcodes supported by the API:
Description |
Returns all categories of information. If used, this should be the only InfoTypeFilter code specified (ex: &InfoTypeFilter=ALL). |
B |
Returns the booths defined for the specified show. |
E |
Returns the events/presentations defined for the specified show. |
ES |
Returns the event/presentation surveys defined for the specified show. |
D |
Returns the show dates defined for the specified show. |
P |
Returns the registration packages defined for the specified show. |
Returns the registration packages defined for the specified show, including add on items. |
Returns the documents/links defined at the show level for the specified show. |
Returns the documents/links defined at the booth level for the specified show. |
Returns the documents/links defined at the event level for the specified show. |
Returns the chat rooms defined at the show level for the specified show. |
Returns the chat rooms defined at the booth level for the specified show. |
Returns the chat rooms defined at the event level for the specified show. |
LA |
Returns the languages allowed for the specified show. |
Returns the show navigation features defined for the specified show. |
BA |
Returns the banner ads defined for the specified show. |
MQ |
Returns the marquee messages defined for the specified show. |
SE |
Returns the exhibitors associated with the specified show. |
Returns the booth builder dates defined for the specified show. |
Returns the booth builder limits defined for the specified show. |
SG |
Returns the giveaways defined at the show level for the specified show. |
BG |
Returns the giveaways defined at the booth level for the specified show. |
AF |
Returns the affiliates defined for the specified show. |
SC |
Returns the subject categories defined for the specified show. |
CI |
Returns the content interest categories defined for the specified show. |
Returns the User User-Defined Fields. |
Returns the Exhibitor User-Defined Fields. |
Returns the Booth User-Defined Fields. |
Returns the Show Surveys |
G |
Security Groups |
GB |
Security Groups Assigned to Booths |
GE |
Security Groups Assigned to Events |
Registration Page List |
Example API Call
The following example call retrieves the list of booths and events currently defined for the show with the ShowKey of 99347:
Before the API begins processing the request, certain credential and parameter validations are made. If any of these top-level validations fail, an error will be returned. Below is a listing of potential top-level validation errors:
Potential Error Codes
Error |
Message |
Reason |
50000 |
Invalid API Credentials Supplied! |
The credentials supplied do not match any authorized API accounts. |
50000 |
API Access Has Been Deactivated! |
The specified API account is marked inactive. |
50000 |
Invalid Show Key Specified! |
The ShowKey parameter does not match any valid shows for this account. |
The format of an error return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CallFailed Status="{ErrorCode}" Diag="{ErrorDescription}" />
Retrieving Results From The API
The API returns results in XML format. The response is encoded in UTF-8 format. Attributes are used to convey values for nodes. In cases where there can be multiple nodes of a given type, a container node is used with the plural name of the contained node.
As many of the attributes contain date/time values, it is important to note that all dates and times are in Central Standard Time (CST [GMT-6]). Also, all dates are returned in the ODBC standard format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Following is documentation of each node and its attributes.