OpCode UPU: Update A UDF Pick List/MultiSelect List
OpCode UPU: Update A UDF Pick List/MultiSelect List
This opcode is used to create a UDF Group in the VTS system. If a group with the same description already exists in this tenant for this source, an error is returned.
Calling the API
The API is called via a secure HTTPS request. This HTTPS request may be a GET or POST operation. Each request must supply the authentication credentials assigned to the caller by Notified. Only requests with valid credentials will be processed. These credentials identify the caller and provide access only to a specific customer area.
The format of the call is: https://api.onlinexperiences.com/scripts/Server.nxp?LASCmd=AI:4;F:APIUTILS!50507&APIUserAuthCode={YourAuthCode}&APIUserCredentials={YourCredentials}&OpCodeList={Opcode[OpCode[…]]}&OutputFormat={J|X|H|T(default)} &{Additional, opcode-specific parameters in name=value format…}
Note: The format of the APAC Data Center is: https://api.apac.onlinexperiences.com.
Specific parameter ordering is unimportant, with the only restriction being that the first parameter MUST BE LASCmd=AI:4;F:APIUTILS!50507. All other parameters may appear in any sequence.
API Parameter |
Type/Size |
Req. |
Comment |
APIUserAuthCode |
Varchar 80 |
Y |
Your API authorization code as supplied by Notified. |
APIUserCredentials |
Varchar 80 |
Y |
Your API user credentials as supplied by Notified. |
OpCodeList |
Varchar 20 |
Y |
Should include UPU to invoke this function. |
OutputFormat |
Char 1 |
N |
T for text, H for HTTP URL-encoded, X for XML, J for JSON. Defaults to T. |
Source |
Integer |
Y |
Pass one (1) for attendee, two (2) for documents, three (3) for exhibitor, four (4) for booth, five (5) for show, seven (7) for event/presentation. |
UDFDefKey |
Integer |
- |
The unique description for this group. |
Integer |
N |
Unique UDF number by Source in your tenant. If zero (0), use the next available number. |
UDFDefDescription |
Varchar 80 |
- |
Unique UDF description by Source in your tenant. |
UDFPickListSeqNo |
Integer |
UDFPickListUDFValue |
Varchar 8000 |
UDFPickListKey |
Integer |
- |
Unique UDF Picklist key. One of UDFPickListKey or UDFPickListExternalKey must refer to a valid picklist. |
UDFPickListExternalKey |
Varchar 32 |
- |
External unique key. One of UDFPickListKey or UDFPickListExternalKey must refer to a valid picklist. |
LookupByExternalID |
Integer |
N |
Use 1 to look up the pick list by UDFPickListExternalKey. Use 0 to lookup by UDFPickListKey. Defaults to zero (0),. |
Return Outputs
This API returns the VTS UDF Pick List Key.
### APICallResult=0 APICallDiagnostic=OK OpCodesProcessed=1 OpCodesInError=0
## OpCode=UPU Status=0 Message=OK
HTTP URL-encoded
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<APIResults APICallResult="0" APICallDiagnostic="OK" OpCodesProcessed="1" OpCodesInError=”0” >
<OpCodeResult OpCode="UPU" Status="0" Message="OK" >
Potential Error Codes
Error |
Message |
Reason |
30 |
UDFDef not found! |
One of UDFDefKey or UDFDefDescription must refer to a valid UDF. |
31 |
PickList item not found! |
One of UDFPickListKey or UDFPickListExternalKey must refer to a valid picklist. |