Booth OpCode BU: Update A Booth
Booth OpCode BU: Update A Booth
This opcode is used to update an existing Booth in the specified show. The booth to update may be identified by specifying the BoothKey, the BoothExternalID, or BoothTitle parameters. Booth Titles must be unique across the show. Missing or empty parameter values will be ignored.
Calling the API
The API is called via a secure HTTPS request. This HTTPS request may be a GET or POST operation (except for file uploading which requires a multi-part form post). Each request must supply the authentication credentials assigned to the caller by Notified. Only requests with valid credentials will be processed. These credentials identify the caller and provide access only to a specific customer area.
The format of the call is:;F:APIUTILS!50550&APIUserAuthCode={YourAuthCode}&APIUserCredentials={YourCredentials}&OpCodeList={Opcode[OpCode[…]]}&OutputFormat={X|H|T(default)}&{Additional, opcode-specific parameters in name=value format…}
Note: The format of the APAC Data Center is:
Specific parameter ordering is unimportant, with the only restriction being that the first parameter MUST BE LASCmd=AI:4;F:APIUTILS!50550. All other parameters may appear in any sequence order.
API Parameter |
Type/Size |
Req. |
Comment |
APIUserAuthCode |
Varchar 80 |
Y |
Your API authorization code as supplied by Notified. |
APIUserCredentials |
Varchar 80 |
Y |
Your API user credentials as supplied by Notified. |
OpCodeList |
Varchar 2000 |
Y |
Should include BU to invoke this function. |
OutputFormat |
Char 1 |
N |
T for text, H for HTTP URL-encoded, or X for XML. Defaults to T. |
BoothTitle |
Varchar 128 |
Y |
Title of the booth. |
Description |
Varchar 255 |
Y |
Description of this booth. |
BoothLayoutKey |
Integer |
N |
The key-value indicating the layout template to use when rendering this booth. (see opcode BL) |
PrivateBooth |
Bit (0/1) |
N |
Flag indicating whether this booth is private (1) or public (0). |
AllowStaffToSeeVisitTab |
Bit (0/1) |
N |
Control flag indicating whether booth staffers can see the special in-booth visits reporting tab. |
BoothTypeKey |
Integer |
N |
The key-value indicating the type of booth this is. (See opcode BT) |
BoothMessage |
Varchar 2000 |
N |
Message or greeting displayed in the booth. |
SearchTermsList |
Varchar 1000 |
N |
List of search terms, separated by spaces, used to locate this booth when searching the show. |
ApprovalLevel |
Integer (0-3) |
N |
Approval level for this booth. Values: 0 = unsubmitted 1 = submitted 2 = approved 3 = rejected |
BoothImage |
Varchar 255 |
N |
URL identifying the image/logo for this booth. |
BillingMemo |
Varchar 2GB |
N |
Additional comments and notes regarding this booth. |
BoothExternalID |
Varchar 255 |
N |
External ID or code to cross-reference this booth entry. |
LocaleID |
Integer |
N |
Locale ID indicating the default language of this booth. (See Locale ID reference in the External User API documentation for a list of values) |
BoothUDFList |
Varchar 2GB |
N |
User-defined field data for this booth. (See Passing UDF Values reference in the External User API documentation for format details) |
APIUserAuthCode |
varchar 80 |
Y |
Your API authorization code as supplied by Notified. |
APIUserCredentials |
Varchar 80 |
Y |
Your API user credentials as supplied by Notified. |
OpCodeList |
Varchar 2000 |
Y |
Should include BU to invoke this function. |
OutputFormat |
Char 1 |
N |
T for text, H for HTTP URL-encoded, or X for XML. Defaults to T. |
BoothTitle |
Varchar 128 |
Y |
Title of the booth. |
Description |
Varchar 255 |
Y |
Description of this booth. |
BoothLayoutKey |
Integer |
N |
Key-value indicating the layout template to use when rendering this booth. (see opcode BL) |
PrivateBooth |
Bit (0/1) |
N |
Flag indicating whether this booth is private (1) or public (0). |
AllowStaffToSeeVisitTab |
Bit (0/1) |
N |
Control flag indicating whether booth staffers can see the special in-booth visits reporting tab. |
BoothTypeKey |
Integer |
N |
Key-value indicating the type of booth this is. (See opcode BT) |
BoothMessage |
Varchar 2000 |
N |
Message or greeting displayed in the booth. |
SearchTermsList |
Varchar 1000 |
N |
List of search terms, separated by spaces, used to locate this booth when searching the show. |
Return Outputs
This API returns the status message OK and the BoothKey upon successful completion.
### APICallResult=0 APICallDiagnostic=OK OpCodesProcessed=1 OpCodesInError=0
## OpCode=BU Status=0 Message=OK
HTTP URL-encoded
APICallResult=0&APICallDiagnostic=OK&OpCodesProcessed=1& OpCodesInError=0&OpCode=BU&Status=0&Message=OK&BoothKey=123456
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<APIResults APICallResult="0" APICallDiagnostic="OK" OpCodesProcessed="1" OpCodesInError=”0” >
<OpCodeResult OpCode="BU" Status="0" Message="OK" >
Potential Error Codes
Error |
Message |
Reason |
601 |
Invalid Or Missing Booth! |
The booth to update could not be found based on the values passed for BoothKey, BoothExternalID, and BoothTitle. |
602 |
A Booth With This External ID Already Exists! |
If passing BoothExternalID, this value must be unique across booths in this show. |
603 |
A Booth With This Name Already Exists! |
Booth titles must be unique in the show. |
604 |
Invalid Or Missing Booth Type! |
The BoothTypeKey parameter specified is invalid. |
606 |
Invalid Or Missing Booth Layout! |
The BoothLayoutKey specified is invalid. |
607 |
Invalid Language ID! |
The value specified in LocaleID is invalid. |